Saturday, October 17, 2020

Black Belt Grading - August 7th, 2020

On Friday, August 7th, six AMAC students successfully graded at the Federation Summer Black Belt grading in Wolcott CT. Congratulations to all of the students who graded, and a special thank you to all of their classmates and friends who made the long trip to support them and celebrate with them!


Sarah Carlson
2nd Dan1395
Earl Salisbury
2nd Dan2745
Brendan Desrosiers1st Dan2910
Anthony DeToro1st Dan2911
Cameron Salisbury1st Dan2912
Lisa Salisbury1st Dan2913

First World Open Tang Soo Do Virtual Championship Grand Champion Master Josh LaCourse

Congratulations to Master LaCourse, for winning the Grand Championship in weapons in the First World Open Tang Soo Do Virtual Tournament! Master LaCourse bested fierce competition from Blachbelts from all over the world. A composite video of the competitors is available on YouTube; Master LaCourse can be found at 31:50.