Friday, November 15, 2019

On Friday, November 8th, three AMAC students successfully graded and were promoted at the Black Belt grading in Wolcott CT. In total, seventeen students successfully graded. Congratulations to all of the students who graded, and a special thank you to all of their Black Belts classmates who came to support them!

Francisco DaSilva2nd Dan2687
David Payne II2nd Dan2725
Stephen Tirocchi2nd Dan2726

New Students - October 2019

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the AMAC family. Tang Soo!

AMAC Gup Grading - October 25th, 2019

On Friday, October 25th, Grand Master Cheezic conducted a gup grading at the AMAC Dojang. In all, thirty students were promoted. Thank you Grand Master Cheezic and Master Marano for making the long drive. Congratulations to everyone who graded, and a special congratulations to our Leslie Williams, our newest Apprentice Black Belt!

Congratulations are also in order for Mr. Francisco DaSilva, Mr. David Payne II and Mr. Stephen Tirocchi who were all issued invitations by Grand Master Cheezic to the Fall Black Belt Grading on November 8th.

Pictures from the grading are now available via the AMAC media page.

Orange Belt
Blue Belt
Green Belt
Red Belt
 Franklin Murphy
(9 Gup)
Joseph Chetwood 
(6&1/2 Gup)
Ryan McAuliffe
(4 Gup)
Kaleb LaCroix
(1 Gup)
Leslie Williams
Owen Blaise
(9 Gup)
Mason Needham
(6&1/2 Gup)
 Emily Stewart
(4 Gup)
Jennifer Royce
(1 Gup)

Logan Hamel
(9 Gup)
Thomas Needham
(6&1/2 Gup)
Alex Pitre
(5 Gup)
Samantha Gordon
(2 Gup)

Connor Placido
(9 Gup)
 Deanne Stewart
(7 Gup)
Grant Loxley
(5 Gup)
 Donna Gilbert
(3 Gup)

Ivy Drowne
(9&1/2 Gup)
 Lannon Murphy
(8 Gup)
Jillian Benoit
 (5 Gup)
 Lori Simoneau 
(3 Gup)
ily Drowne
(9&1/2 Gup)

Alizaiah Pitre
(6 Gup)
Heather Benoit
(3 Gup)
Gabriel Prendergast
(9&1/2 Gup)
Logan Loxley
(6 Gup)
Chris Benoit
(3 Gup)

 Julien Clancy
(6 Gup)
Tyler Benoit
(3 Gup)

 Abigail Reine
(6 Gup)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Connecticut Yankee Nationals Tournament - October 6th, 2019

On Sunday, October 6th, students from AMAC competed at the 55th Annual Connecticut Yankee Nationals Tournament and did a fantastic job! Congratulations to Master Yaskovic, Mrs. Williams, Mr. LaCroix, Ms. Gordon, Ms. Payne and Ms. Stewart! Additional pictures can be found on the AMAC drive.