Thursday, June 27, 2019

AMAC Gup Grading - June 21st, 2019

On Friday, June 21st, Grand Master Cheezic conducted a Gup grading at the AMAC Dojang. In all, twenty-eight students were promoted. Thank you Grand Master Cheezic and Mr. Marano for making the long drive. Congratulations to everyone who graded, and a special congratulations to our four new Apprentice Black Belts! Pictures from the grading are now available via the AMAC media page.

Orange Belt
Blue Belt
Green Belt
Red Belt
Lannon Murphy
(9 Gup)
Joseph Chetwood 
(7 Gup)
Ariana Payne
(4 Gup)
Leslie Williams
(1 Gup)
Ava Perreria
Julien Clancy
(9 Gup)
Anthony Mielniczuk
(7 Gup)
 Lori Simoneau
(4 Gup)
Kaleb LaCroix
(2 Gup)
Brendan Desrosers

Alexander Lieberman
(7 Gup)
Heather Benoit
(4 Gup)
Jennifer Royce
(2 Gup)
Ethan Desrosers

Alizaiah Pitre
(7 Gup)
Chris Benoit
(4 Gup)
Samantha Gordon
(3 Gup) 
Anthony De Toro

 Logan Loxley
(7 Gup)
Tyler Benoit
(4 Gup)

 Avery Main
(7 Gup)
Everett Payne 
(5 Gup)

Nolan Desrosers
(8 Gup)
Ryan McAuliffe
(5 Gup)

 Emily Stewart
(5 Gup)

Alex Pitre
(6 Gup)

Grant Loxley
(6 Gup)

Jillian Benoit
(6 Gup)

Monday, June 17, 2019

New Students - May 2019

Welcome aboard to the latest additions to the AMAC family! Tang Soo!